Standing Strong Together

Sold Out: Saturday (Day 3) - ECEBC Conference May 25, 2024

Join us from 8:00am to 4:00pm + the Evening Gala

early childhood professionals dialoguing with another

Saturday Workshop Options:

Click on the titles below for more information on the workshop options for Saturday's Breakout Sessions (E & F). Please ensure you select one workshop for each session before adding it to your cart.

Morning Breakout Session E:

Presenter: Norma Stokes

This workshop will give participants courage to embrace the power of outdoor play with young children. Participants will learn to guide children in nature with a variety of hands on activities. I will guide participants through a walk in the woods where they will learn safety tips, nature games, and how to embrace the power of outdoor play. In this workshop we will take the fear out of the woods and empower the educators to let the children play and explore. Please come prepared for outdoors.

Come and sit, listen and hear from 2 Coast Salish Knowledge Keepers, from Tsawout First Nation and Snuneymuxw First Nation. This is an opportunity to ask questions, be curious, come with and open heart and mind to learn from each other. This workshop will be guided with participants thoughts and questions. We will also be offering a “cedar brushing” for those that may want to experience a cultural healing with cedar. Come ready to learn, share, ask questions, be curious, our Knowledge Keepers will be sharing their experiences and answering questions that you may have or just come listen and hear and feel.

Presenter: Candy Ng & Ward Nakata

Working alongside children with exceptionalities(diagnosed or undiagnosed) can be challenging at times. Throughout our time together we will discuss why it's so important to understand learning styles and communication styles for children with exceptionalities. We will engage in conversations and share experiences on how we can collectively support our children and educators in implementing practical strategies to guide our practices

Presenter: Nancy VanGroll & Adrienne Argent

Members from the Capilano University ECCE Faculty and community who teach and support inquiry projects will share recent innovations, experimentations, and insights across diploma-level courses and practicum. This workshop will include opportunities for participants to engage in collaborative dialogue about student mentorship, pedagogical documentation processes, and curriculum-making, as aligned with (but not limited to) the BC Early Learning Framework (2019).

Presenter: Karolyn Hendra

Supporting practicum students is a valuable contribution ECE’s make to the profession of Early Childhood Education. The current early learning landscape presents challenges we are all familiar with the staff shortages and having time and space to explores practicum expectations with students, especially when they differ from mentor’s own training, knowledge and experience. It’s about celebrating successes fostering collaboration and finding innovative solutions to enhance the mentor/student partnership in ECE.

Presenters: Presenters: Ewa Boss, Daljit Dial, Tamara Jacobs

Please Note: This is a two part workshop. Delegates must register for both sessions (E6 & F3)

As early care and learning professionals, we know children learn through concrete experiences. We want to bring that knowledge to co-constructing our learning together through the power of story, empathy, and sharing of information. During this experiential workshop, you will explore yourself, your values, and your image of the child and educator. Our hope is that you will leave this workshop feeling seen and see yourself as the pedagogical leader you are and will continue to be.

Presenters: Emma Billman, Catheryn Brule

What is play? Why is it important? How can we organically enhance children's play experiences? During this workshop we will explore the history of play and how to create programs with a rich play first environment. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about the origins of play and the play-first approach, as well as take a dive headfirst into how to tackle the pressure for academics in a play environment. We will explore how to re-envision childcare spaces to create programs that are tailored for a play-first environment. During this workshop, attendees will also gain an understanding of how the Play-First approach empowers children's Social Emotional Learning.

Presenters: Sara Sutherland and TBD

Inclusive practice is more than welcoming children with special rights; it is the responsibility we hold as early childhood educators to create spaces that honour and celebrate diversity. This workshop is designed to inspire educators and to provoke a different way of thinking about inclusivity. We will create space to engage in group dialogue and think deeply together on the topic of inclusion. What does it mean to welcome children and families through the lens of hospitality? How do we take seriously the concept of making our environment successful for children, as opposed to making children successful in our spaces?

Afternoon Breakout Session F:

Presenter: Paula Bruce

This workshop will explore the many different ways to journal and the benefits it brings. We will also be talking about self limiting beliefs, the Hearts energy field and the heart/brain connection, manifesting what we need in our lives and fears that may be holding us back. You will be lead through some simple heart/mind exercises and meditations leaving the workshop to be confident in own practice.

Presenter: Kate Toye

Participants will learn to see themselves objectively with self-kindness and compassion and learn to move through life in greater alignment with their core values and beliefs. We will be building inner strength and kindness as many of us are better at being kind to others and when we learn to be kind to ourselves our capacity to be kind to all beings grows. Understanding oneself allows the deepening of courage, tolerance, caring, balance, and patience in our inner world which is the foundation that allows the strengthening of these values and beliefs to ripple in our external world and which allows us to shift into our "collective wisdom".

This is part 2 of the morning workshop (E6). Delegates must register for both sessions (E6 & F3)

Presenter: April Martin-Ko & Megan MacDonald

Join ECPN Vancouver pedagogists in an interactive exploration as we delve into the transformative power of experimenting with rituals of collective gathering in early childhood education. They will share living pedagogical narrations from their work with educators and children, offering innovative perceptions.

Presenter: Peter Dixon

Online communication and engagement has enabled opportunities for story telling and working in partnership with families that further personalize and support children’s unique journeys. This presentation will share insights and case studies from Canada, Australia and New Zealand to provide participants with ideas, tools and resources to use in their practice. It will include telling stories together, playing with some new digital tools, and exploring various digital ways of deepening connections with and outcomes for children and families. Participants will leave the session with new ideas and resources to consider in their practice.

Presenters: Jennie Roberts and Kirsten Bevelander

This workshop will expand your learning around cultural competencies and provide opportunities to reflect on how you can create culturally safe spaces in your early childhood programs.

Presenter: Keely Freeman

Food is a connector. It connects us to place. It connects us to history. It connects us to each other. When a food program is mindfully wound into the everyday operations of a child care many magical things happen--learning opportunities, exploration, bravery, environmentalism, science, health, community engagement, and storytelling. In this presentation you will learn about the trials and errors of starting a wholistic and nourishing food program and the overall benefits to the child care environment and the children's health.

Presenter: Ashleigh Davies

This workshop looks at discussing how we represent gender in the classroom in an inclusive environment. Looking at critical literacy with the power books hold on children's images of gender through representation. Workshop also looks at addressing how we as educators may be influenced by our ideas of gender roles and how they become portrayed in the classroom, discussing ways to make our classrooms inclusive for all children, regardless of gender.

Schedule of Events:

8:00am to 4:00pm

  • Registration Desk Open
  • Exhibitor Fair Open

8:30am to 8:45am:

  • Welcome / Opening

8:45am to 9:45am

  • Keynote Address:
    A Thinking of Possibility: Working with a Pedagogist with Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw & Kathleen Kummen

9:45:am to 10:15am

  • Networking

10:15am to 11:45am

  • Session E Workshops (select one)

11:45am to 12:15pm

  • Networking

12:15pm to 1:15pm

  • Lunch Buffet

1:15pm to 1:30pm

  • Networking

1:30pm to 3:00pm

  • Session F Workshops (Select One)

3:15pm to 4:00pm

  • Closing

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